Saturday 27 August 2011

Friday 26 August 2011

can you feel what i feel???
it's hurt no one can feel what i feel....


selamat hari rayerr...x sangke da sebulan kite pose an??akhirnya solat tarawikh berakhir...tp da x de da solat tarawikh...=( nnty mesti rindu nk solat tarawikh an???SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all my friends ....sorry kalo ade wat salah...=) SELAMAT MAKAN RENDANGGG~~~ hehe =D

Friday 12 August 2011


THURSDAY : hari SPOTCHECK!!no wonder locker bersepah tahap gaban n...kene rampas majalah...x kesa pon....actually majalah tu da nk recycle da,,,amik je la....n correction tape...kne tarik samapi kosong!!haha...ape nk buat???gelak sorg2 je la kat dalam kelas....hehe..klakar pulak spotcheck kali ni...tapi..4 this spotcheck is the serious one!!
FRIDAY : exam-BM not too hard...mediumla...x susa sngt sbb da usha soalan tuh dalam buku axis hehe(CIKGU RAHIMI KANTOI...)hehehe....BI-nk pecah pale otak...confiusing n bnyk ayat yg x pena denga n macam ayat tuh x pena wujud pon....
sedih-we loose one of our batch....poor him..it's okay....you can change yourself right???take care eyh....we'll miss you so much!!!don't forget us.....coz we always remember you all the time....to the teachers...please don't hate him...cozz he knows he's a guilty but...no wonder he can change himself right???so please to all the teachers...please forgive him whenever he is the biggest guilty..please teacher....we also love teachers....teachers love us right???hehe....I LOVE ALL MY TEACHERS AND FRIENDS!!!...
balik-wooohhoo!!!!balik beb!!!cam x caye je da smpai kl an???tp pressure la pulak...nk kne prepare tok tarian n exam..haiyooo THE BIGGEST PRESSURE EVER!!!! to vip yg akan datang nnty....kalo saye tersalah step ke...terjatoh ke..tercacat ckit ke...or ape2 la....minta maaf...saye bukan penari tarian sarawak...hehe...ok la....this is all that pressure me this week....i'm sad,nervous,happy and much more...hadooii..

Monday 1 August 2011


WANI di manakah kamuu...hahah...asal x balik lagi...balik lah....takde sape nk buat bising dalam dorm...:( kiteorg cari kau tau....kitaorg pasang langsir....baru.......langsir raya...heheh...bile nk balik...:( balik la.....